Performance Testing

Performance Testing

We offer performance testing suitable for all levels of athlete from those who are looking to make the most of limited training time for their first sportive, to looking at shaving seconds off to reach national podiums.

All testing is done on the riders own bike, so dont forget your bike & shoes when you come down for yours! We are looking to add treadmill and endless pool testing over the coming months, so watch this space!

All the ramp protocols we use are designed to monitor athletes at as many intensities as possible, so that we can calculate areas of strength as well as areas to be worked on in training. This means that they all start nice and easy then get harder. These are all maximal protocols (its up to the athlete when to stop, but we want as much data as possible) however if you are unable to perform maximally then we can always design a protocol around you and still get accurate data to help with your training.

If you are in any doubt as to how using specific, targeted training can give huge performance benefits, then CLICK HERE for a great example of how using the test results can pay huge dividends!

Prior to your appointment with us, please fill out this simple questionnaire.

Bronze Assessment:

This entry level assement allows riders who are new to structured training to begin to work with defined thresholds and zones. It is through consistent training within accurately defined zones that improvements can be made most quickly, especially for those who have limited training time each week.

In this assement we use a very simple ramp protocol to determine Maximum Aerobic Power (MAP). Once we have determined this, the other lower thresholds can be estimated to construct zones to train with.


Silver Assessment:

Our silver assessment works well for those who are looking to regularly train with either heart rate or power data (or a mixture of both). We use a ramp protocol which has been developed to produce the best representation of your fitness profile as a rider. Throughout the assessment we take finger prick blood samples, which give a unique insight into how your body is burning fuel, producing power and utilising oxygen. From the results of these small blood samples we can accurately pinpoint your sub maximal thresholds as well as taking into account your MAP.

All this makes the thresholds and zones produced a far more accurate representation of your current fitness profile, as well as a more precision framework to base training sessions and plans around.

£79.99 or free when you purchase any full price power meter through Performance Cycles.

Gold Assessment:

Our gold assessment utilises the same testing protocol and equipment as the silver appointment. Throughout the assessment we take finger prick blood samples, which give a unique insight into how your body is burning fuel, producing power and utilising oxygen. From the results of these small blood samples we can accurately pinpoint your sub maximal thresholds as well as taking into account your MAP.

With the data produced we can then develop personal, specific workouts tailored around your profile and goals for the coming months. As well as example sessions, we can talk through how best to utilise different sessions as part of a more comprehensive training program, alongside how to structure the program over a longer period such as a race season or pre season base training.
